NTU Research > Presentations > SAW Theory

Selected Presentations

Complete list | Public Understanding | Superhydrophobicity & Superspreading | Soil & Sand | Materials & Surfaces | Abhesion & Slip | Liquid Marbles & Electrowetting | Superhydrophobicity & Acoustic Waves | Acoustic Wave Sensors | SAW Theory | Selected Others

Below gives a selected list of the presentations from the more theoretical surface acoustic wave, Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave non-wetting research.

"Layer-guided acoustic wave sensors".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors at Eurosensors. Prague, Czech Republic. September 2002.

File: "Eurosensors September 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Gas and liquid phase sensitivity of Love waves".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors at the Electrochemical Society. Salt Lake City, USA. October 2002.

File: "McHale ECS Salt Lake Layer Guided for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Layer-guided SH-APM sensors".
A talk describing NTU work on the theory of Love wave and layer-guided acoustic wave sensors. USA. May 2002.

File: "UFFC May 2002 for Natures Raincoats.pdf"

"Love waves: Theory and experiment".
A talk to the Institute of Physics Physical Acoustics Group describing acoustic wave sensor principles. London, UK. December 2001.

File: "IOP Acoustics December 2001.pdf"